Acupuncture is a Chinese medicine technique to treat several conditions by triggering certain points on the skin with needles. It is a minimally invasive technique that can stimulate nerve-rich areas on the surface of the skin to influence glands, tissues, organs, and various functions of the body. Each acupuncture needle makes a tiny injury at the insertion site. Even though it is small enough to hardly cause any significant discomfort, it is enough of a signal to make the body understand that it needs to respond. This response stimulates the immune system, increasing circulation to that area, pain modulation and wound healing. Modern research on acupuncture mainly relies on this theory. Acupuncture Essendon and Acupuncture Moonee Ponds gives more insight into how acupuncture and Chinese medicine works.
What Acupuncture Can Do
Different people are interested in acupuncture for a reason, be it for chronic headaches, sinus pressure, back pain or simply for relaxation. There are a large number of symptoms and conditions that acupuncture has been said to help with, some of which are given below:
● Allergies
● Depression and Anxiety
● Osteoarthritis
● Chronic pain, mostly in the back, neck, head and knees
● Insomnia
● Hypertension
● Menstrual cramps and PMS
● Morning sickness
● Migraines
● Sprains
● Strokes
Some studies have even suggested that acupuncture can help ease cancer treatment and multiple sclerosis, although research regarding these conditions is limited and requires more studies to confirm the benefits.
Even though people claim that acupuncture has helped, there is limited evidence to suggest that it helps the following conditions.
● Acne
● Abdominal pain
● Obesity
● Cancer pain
● Infertility
● Insomnia
● Schizophrenia
● Diabetes
● Stiff neck
● Alcohol dependence
Even though there is no evidence that acupuncture is a cure-all solution, it seems to have some evidence as a worthwhile treatment for people who may have multiple conditions and illnesses.
Incorporating Acupuncture Into Real Life
An acupuncture session lasts anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes; most of this time is spent discussing symptoms and concerns with the practitioner regarding the needles. The actual treatment portion of acupuncture may last only 30 minutes, although you might not necessarily have needles in your skin for that much time. When it comes to results, it is almost impossible to say what one must expect, since everyone experiences and responds to acupuncture differently.
Different people react differently to acupuncture. While some people feel relaxed and a little tired, others might feel energized and ready for anything. Some people might experience an improvement in their condition immediately while for others, it can take many sessions before observing any positive change. The most common response to acupuncture, however, is that people feel happy and content. People have also reported feeling tired after a session and changes in their eating, sleeping, or bowel habits, while some experience no changes at all.
As can be seen, acupuncture might not be for everyone, but it definitely has helped many people. Parallel to getting acupuncture done, refer to a doctor so that side effects, if any, can be treated early.